Acne is a common skin condition affecting many individuals at some stage of their lives. It causes discomfort because of the symptoms it causes including oily skin, irritation, painful spots, and tenderness. Acne is a condition that almost everyone has had to deal with, primarily during adolescence, affecting between 80-90% of teenagers and sometimes continuing through into adulthood. Although it rarely has any longer-term implications, apart from resulting in scarring in more extreme cases, the negative effects it can have on self-confidence is something that everyone would prefer to avoid.
As a result, acne treatment has become increasingly more prevalent, with numerous gels and creams containing benzoyl peroxide being one of the most common products available. Weldricks stock a wide range of brands including Clearasil, so you can be confident that you'll get the best acne treatment on the market.
What is Acne?
Acne is a common skin condition that causes pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and sometimes deeper cysts or nodules on the skin. Common areas that are affected include the face, neck, chest, back, and shoulders. It typically arises when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells leading to the growth of bacteria and inflammation. Hormonal changes, genetics, certain medications, and lifestyle habits can also contribute to the development of acne. Acne can vary in severity, ranging from mild occasional breakouts to more persistent and severe forms requiring medical intervention.
Symptoms of Acne
The symptoms of acne can vary depending on the severity and type of acne, but commonly include:
- Pimples: Small red bumps on the skin that can be tender to the touch and uncomfortable.
- Whiteheads: Closed clogged pores that appear as small, white bumps on the skin's surface.
- Blackheads: Open clogged pores that have a dark appearance due to the oxidation of the trapped substances.
- Papules: Small red bumps that can be tender to touch.
- Pustules: Pimples filled with pus, often with a white or yellow centre.
- Nodules: large hard lumps that build up beneath the surface of the skin.
- Cysts: the most severe type of spot caused by acne. These are large pus-filled lumps that carry the greatest risk of causing permanent scarring.
Other common symptoms may include oily skin, inflammation, itching, burning sensations and in severe cases, scarring.
What causes Acne?
Acne can be caused by a range of factors. Generally, acne is caused by changing hormone levels during puberty, the menstrual cycle or pregnancy. This is because the body is experiencing change and might produce larger amounts of oil than usual making it more likely for the skin to suffer from blocked pores that creates inflammation. This inflammation can then become infected. Heavy makeup, sweating and tight clothing can also cause clogged pores and increase acne problems.