Chlamydia Explained: Prevention & Treatment
What is Chlamydia?
Chlamydia is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis and is the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infection in the UK. It can lead to both eye and genital infections. The prevalence of this infection is rising, with women aged 16-24 and men aged 20-34 being at the highest risk.
What are the causes of Chlamydia?
This sexually transmitted infection is primarily spread through unprotected sexual contact, such as sex without a condom or dental dam. Engaging in any form of unsafe sex, including intimate contact with an infected person, increases the risk of contracting this infection. This includes penetrative vaginal or anal sex, oral sex involving the mouth and genitals, and contact with infected fluids during activities like fingering the vagina or touching the penis head. Occasionally, the infection may be transferred from the genitals to the eyes via fingers. Additionally, Chlamydia can be transmitted from mother to baby during birth.
Chlamydia and pregnancy
If you contract chlamydia while pregnant, it can be transmitted to your baby during delivery. The infection may affect the womb, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, leading to pelvic inflammatory disease, which can result in infertility or an ectopic pregnancy. It can also cause testicular infections and joint pain, known as reactive arthritis, which typically resolves after a few months. If untreated, chlamydia during pregnancy can be passed to the baby at birth, potentially causing eye infections (conjunctivitis) or lung infections (pneumonia) in the newborn.
Getting tested
Free and confidential testing and treatment are available from your doctor or local sexual health services, even if you are under 16.
Sexual health clinics, also known as Genito-Urinary Medicine or GUM clinics, are typically part of your local general hospital. They are open to anyone seeking help, advice, and information on any sexual health matter, including free testing and treatment for STIs.
Chlamydia tests often involve a urine sample, especially for men. Samples may be taken from any infected area, such as the cervix for women or the urethra (urine tube) for men. It is increasingly common for services to allow women to self-swab when a urine sample is not sufficient.
Up to 70% of women and around 50% of men infected with Chlamydia show no noticeable symptoms. This lack of symptoms means many infections go undetected and untreated. When symptoms do appear, women may experience unusual vaginal discharge, discomfort or a burning sensation when urinating, unusually heavy menstrual bleeding or unexpected bleeding between cycles, and lower abdominal pain or discomfort during intercourse. Men may notice a discharge from the penis and/or a burning sensation during urination.
Chlamydia can be effectively treated with a course of antibiotics. However, if left untreated for an extended period, it may lead to pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), potentially causing fertility issues.
It is crucial to abstain from sexual activity until seven days after completing the treatment to ensure the infection is fully cleared. If you engage in sex during this time, using a condom is essential. If you are a female using the contraceptive pill, inform the doctor treating you, as antibiotics may affect its efficacy.
Ensuring your partner receives treatment is also important. If discussing this with your partner is difficult, the clinic can assist you.
Being treated for Chlamydia does not provide immunity from future infections, so continue using condoms to safeguard your health.
The future
The longer the infection remains untreated and the more frequently you contract it, the higher the risk of complications that could affect fertility. This is particularly concerning for women, where the impact on fertility due to Chlamydia is more pronounced.
Since the link between this infection and future fertility issues is not definitive, services do not offer fertility testing for reassurance. When trying to conceive, it is generally advised to maintain overall reproductive health.
sed to see a doctor to consider fertility testing if you and your partner have been trying for a baby for a year or more.
Healthy Tips
- Don’t have unprotected oral, anal, or vaginal sex—condoms offer the best protection against sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia.
- You can use condoms with any other form of contraception for the ultimate in safer sex.
- It is good practice for both partners to get a full sexual health check for infections upon entering a committed relationship, especially if you are intending to have unprotected sex (sex without a condom).
- It is also a good idea to get a full sexual health check if a long-term committed relationship has come to an end.
- If you do notice any unusual symptoms, it is a good idea to get these checked out as soon as possible.
- You should regard your sexual health as important as your general health; specialists at sexual health services will be happy to give information, help, advice, and any support that may be required.