Bee and Wasp Stings – Children

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Bee and wasp stings are very irritating and uncomfortable, and now the weather is getting hotter, the kids will be playing outside in the sunshine with their friends and enjoying the longer evenings. It’s important to be fully aware of what to do in case of a bee or wasp sting.

If you take out the stinger immediately, it will lessen the chance of the poison spreading through the body. This can usually be done with tweezers, although if you’re struggling, you should seek medical advice as soon as possible.


  • Benadryl for Children: This will relieve the symptoms of redness and itching, and the non-drowsy formula is best for use during the day
  • Piriton: This is better used in your child is just going to bed; it will help relieve the symptoms of a sting through the night.
  • Anthisan: This is a topical cream that will relieve the pain, itching and inflammation associated with stings, as well as other problems like insect bites. For best results, the cream should be applied as soon as possible after the bite or sting.

It’s likely that the bite or sting will be painful for a few hours, and the swelling and itching can persist for a week.