Change4Life 2014

Change4Life 2014

Get Doncaster Walking 2014
– why walking is good for you

When listing what exercises you do, there’s one that often gets missed out, yet it’s one that everybody does on a daily basis. That’s right, walking. Whether it’s walking to work, walking from one office to another, walking to the shop, walking the dog, you’re exercising your muscles and keeping healthy.

The effects that exercises like brisk walking have on the body are not to be underestimated, not only does walking help rejuvenate your mind by easing stress and anxiety, but it can reduce your risk of hypertension and diabetes!

Needless to say, walking is one of the easiest exercises to do, most of the time we do it without even thinking about it, but just think how much greater the effects of brisk walking would be if you made a conscious effort to do more. NHS Change4Life is hosting a Festival Of Walks in Doncaster between 5th January and 28th May 2014. During this time there will be a series of walks designed for all ages and abilities, meaning it’s time to get your walking boots on!

Is work your excuse not to partake in Get Doncaster Walking? Worry not! The Walk Boost is designed for you workers that drive to work on a daily basis. Why not try to ditch the car for walking or cycling?

Being more active has been proven to lengthen your life span and help you to have a more enjoyable life with a healthy mind and body. Being active improves brain power by stimulating blood flow.