Don’t forget about the fleas that could be hiding in your home this summer!

Don’t forget about the fleas that could be hiding in your home this summer!

During the summer, we see an explosion in the flea activity outdoors. However, this is not the only place you will find fleas at this time of year. Rising temperatures indoors will also trigger a flea-frenzy in your home!

Your carpets, rugs and pet’s bedding could be alive with the activity of tiny hopping young adult fleas – eager to find their first host and have a meal! They need look no further than your quietly catnapping cat or your snoozing Schnoodle.

With all this warm weather you and your furry friend will also be keen to spend more time outdoors, enjoying long walks through the fields, picnics in the park and catnaps in the garden.  However, with so many fleas around, your pet could bring home more than just a mouse or a treasured stick. They could also have some blood-sucking hitch-hikers on-board ready to invade your home.

Nowhere is flea-free this summer and you need to think about protecting your pets by using FRONTLINE® Plus regularly. This will not only protect your pet from adult fleas, but it will also stop immature fleas developing in your home too.

To help you, here are our tips on how to keep your home a flea-free zone this summer:

Make sure you treat all pets in the household with FRONTLINE® Plus regularly over the summer.

Vacuum the home daily, paying particular attention to places where your pet likes to spend time (these will be flea hot-spots) as well as underneath furniture. Flea larvae like to hide away from light.

If you think you may already have a flea infestation in your home, then FRONTLINE® Homegard is your friend. This is a spray designed for use on your soft-upholstered furniture, your carpets and flooring, pet bedding and surrounding areas.

Wash all pet bedding at 60°C (and your own if your pet sleeps on your bed).

Comb your pet regularly. Not only is this great for bonding but it will help you to keep an eye out for any signs of fleas.

Remember, if you own a caravan or a motorhome and are going away with your pet this summer - give this a good vacuum too!

Enjoy your summer and keep it a flea-free zone indoors as well as out, with the help of FRONTLINE®.