Exercise in Adulthood Important to Avoid Injury in Later Life.

Exercise in Adulthood Important to Avoid Injury in Later Life.

A new article posted by Gov.uk highlights the importance of exercise in adulthood and how it can affect you in later life. Recent guidelines state that adults should be partaking in strength-based exercise at least two days a week and, further to this, should look to engage in some form of activity daily. This daily activity can include simple things such as climbing the stairs rather than using a lift, carrying heavy shopping, or brisk walking. With the introduction of these activities you can look to improve your strength and balance (which will help to prevent fatal falls in later life), and this activity may also help to lower your chances of developing a range of chronic conditions including type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, and depression.

Keeping active is extremely important and, although it is drilled into us in childhood, often when it comes to adulthood many people live somewhat sedentary lives. Well, these new guidelines prove that keeping active and strong is important throughout your entire life as it can help reduce the natural decline in muscle mass and bone density that comes with age; therefore, also helping to reduce your risk of serious injury in later life. For more information on these new guidelines and what an active adult lifestyle can do for you check out the Gov.uk article HERE.