Only 16% of Adults In England Smoke - Here's How You Can Quit Today!

Only 16% of Adults In England Smoke - Here's How You Can Quit Today!

A recent article by BBC News on smoking (which you can read HERE) states that a Billion fewer cigarettes are smoked in England in a year. In fact, the number has fallen by more than a billion according to Cancer Research UK, says the BBC, and only 16% of adults in England actually smoke. Smoking can be detrimental to your health in many ways, and the government is hoping to eradicate this habit entirely by 2030. 

Here at Weldricks, we have many options to help you quit smoking for good, in the form of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). One of the most popular products out there is Nicorette Quickmist Spray; this product comes in both Freshmint and Cool Berry Flavours and allows you to administer that nicotine in a fast and effective way. But, if mouth spray isn't for you we have a tonne of other products you can try in all different flavours and styles! Perhaps you'd rather the classic Nicotine Patch to gradually ween yourself off of the nicotine. Or maybe you'd rather try a nicotine Inhaler to tackle the hand to mouth action that comes with smoking. There are also options of Lozenges and Gum products, to help you tackle those nicotine cravings in a safer way. 

Yet, there is more to quitting than just NRT; white it is important to help beat the cravings, having a support network around you is also an important step in quitting. Getting support from family and friends can be the driving force behind your journey to quit. You could also look to get support from local stop smoking groups or stop smoking services in some pharmacies. If you need more support or advice talk to your local pharmacist who could not only help you with NRT advice but also give you tips on how to cope with the stresses of quitting too. 

For online advice and to set up your own quitting plan check out the NHS One You website HERE. Be part of the nationwide movement to stop smoking for good, we believe you can do it so why not start today?