H I Weldrick Ltd MDS Subscription Service
Our subscription payment provider, Stripe will:
- Securely store your credit or debit card details
- Charge you automatically every month the current subscription amount.
Weldricks Pharmacy do not hold or have access to your payment details. See our Privacy Policy
The current subscription amount is £20 per calendar month .
H I Weldrick Ltd reserve the right to change the price of the subscription.
If we decide that this is necessary, we will communicate to you giving four weeks' notice of any change.
If you do not want to change the amount, you are free to cancel your subscription - see below.
The service Weldricks Pharmacy will provide for the MDS subscription patient will include:
- Order your medication
- Reconcile your prescription against our records
- Make up suitable medication into an MDS tray
- Provide medication unsuitable for an MDS tray in separate containers alongside the tray
- Deliver to you every four weeks.
The patient, or customer, agrees to:
- Pay the subscription amount each calendar month for the provision of the MDS Subscription Service
- The payment being ongoing until the patient, customer or representative asks us to stop taking this payment
- Tell us if the payment needs to be stopped for any reason
- Tell us if you have any change in circumstances e.g. hospital admission, move house etc.
- Keep your payment card details up to date
- Conversion to original pack dispensing if the subscription is stopped
The patient, or customer, can manage their subscriptions online or by contacting the pharmacy on 01302 554152 or by email hub@weldricks.co.uk
The subscription amount is £20 per calendar month .
H I Weldrick Ltd reserve the right to change the price of the subscription. If we decide that this is necessary, we will communicate to you giving four week’s notice of any change.
You can opt out of the subscription service at any point. If you cancel your subscription, you will be converted from an MDS tray patient to an original pack patient.
All payments are subject to the approval of the financial institution issuing your credit or debit card and credit verification, and we will not be responsible if the payment fails credit verification or if such financial institution or provider refuses to accept or honour the payment for any reason. We may also report any suspicious transactions to the relevant authorities.
If your payment details have expired or are invalid in any way, we will try to contact you. If you are unable to give us the updated information, we reserve the right to revert you to original pack dispensing.
In this event Weldricks Pharmacy change you to an original pack service. Weldricks Pharmacy will:
- Order your medication
- Reconcile your prescription against our records
- Provide your medication in original packs (boxes)
- Provide you with a Medicines Administration Record (MAR chart) to help you keep track of your medication.
- Deliver your medication every four weeks.
The MDS subscription service is a separate private service to our standard NHS dispensing service.
If you require medication in between your regular supply of medication please contact us on 01302 554152 or email hub@weldricks.co.uk