What is chicken pox?
Chicken pox is a highly contagious infection that causes an itchy, spotty rash. This can occur anywhere on the body. Chicken pox is extremely common and normally affects children, however, it is possible to get chicken pox at any age.
What are the symptoms of chicken pox?
The main symptom of chicken pox is an itchy rash which can appear anywhere on the body, including in the mouth. A rash normally appears in three stages:
- Small spots appear on the body, either within a small, concentrated area or spread across the body. Spots are often red or pink but can be skin colour or darker.
- Spots fill with fluid and become blisters, which causes itching.
- Spots will form a scab. Some scabs may leak fluid but will eventually dry out and fall off.
Chicken pox spots cause feelings of discomfort rather than pain, but spots in the mouth or other sensitive areas such as the genitals can be more painful.
Other symptoms may include:
- A high temperature
- Aches and pains
- Generally feeling unwell
- Loss of appetite
If you’re not sure if you or your child has chicken pox, contact your GP and let the reception staff know that you think it’s chicken pox. If you’re in a high-risk group, you’re pregnant and have not had chicken pox before, or you think your newborn has chicken pox, you should call 111 right away.
How do you treat chicken pox?
In most cases, chicken pox is harmless and will clear up itself within a couple of weeks, however, as with any other illness, you should rest when possible, drink plenty of fluids,
Chicken pox can make the skin incredibly itchy but it’s important not to scratch at your spots. Weldricks offers various cooling creams, lotions and gels to help with this and in some cases, you may be prescribed antihistamines. Scratch mittens can also be used for babies and young children.
You should not:
scratch the spots; this can cause scarring
Use ibuprofen unless advised to by your GP
Give aspirin to children under the age of 16
You may also find it comfortable to bathe in cold water, however, you should pat the skin dry and not rub. It’s also ok to take paracetamol to help with any pain or discomfort, but you should follow the instructions and speak to your pharmacist if you’re unsure.
Is chicken pox contagious?
Chicken pox is highly contagious and can be spread just by being in the same room as someone else with the infection.
It’s therefore important that you avoid contact with other people until all of your spots have formed a scab, especially anyone with a weakened immune system - including newborn babies and anyone who is pregnant - as chicken pox can be dangerous for them.
This typically takes five days from when you first notice your spots appear. chicken pox is spreadable from two days before your spots first appear, so you should stay home right away if you suspect that you may have the infection.
What causes chicken pox?
Chicken pox is an airborne virus that is normally spread by being in contact with someone who has the infection, either through breathing, coughing, sneezing or physical skin contact. It’s also possible to spread the infection through indirect contact, such as touching a surface or object after someone who has chicken pox.
How long does the chicken pox last?
Chicken pox symptoms typically clear up within 1-2 weeks. You may notice some new spots appear whilst your first spots are drying out and healing, however, all spots will normally scab over and drop off within 5-10 days of your first spots appearing,
Can you catch chicken pox twice?
It is possible for someone to catch chicken pox a second time, however, this is extremely rare and is more likely to occur if a person was very young the first time they had chicken pox.
People can also develop shingles years later as a result of having chicken pox earlier in their life. This is caused by the virus remaining inactive within your nervous system for a long period of time, then reactivating late in life and travelling along the pathways to your skin. Not everyone who has chicken pox will develop shingles. You must go to a doctor if you think you may have shingles.