Freederm Deep Pore Cleansing Wipes are specially formulated to help prevent spots, keeping your skin clear and healthy. Each Freederm Wipe contains antibacterial ingredients to deeply cleanse the pores of your skin, removing dirt and oil, and fighting the bacteria that can cause spots.
Tips for skincare
Cleanse twice a day morning and night, using a mild anti-bacterial wash or facial cleanser. (Don't go mad though - too much washing can end up making spots worse, as it can leave skin too dry and sore).
Exfoliate regularly to deeply cleanse, soften and smooth your skin. Exfoliation is much more effective if it is carried out regularly and you need only a small amount of exfoliant.
Rinse off conditioners and hair treatments thoroughly, especially around the hairline, to avoid any build-up of oil on the skin around the edges of your face.
Moisturise your skin daily, morning and evening, with a specially formulated moisturiser for spot-prone skin. Don't be put off by the myth that oily/spotty skin doesn't need moisturising, it does, and the right moisturiser will not only keep your skin smooth and soft, but will also help control excess sebum in the long term.
Drink plenty of fluids. Staying hydrated is vital for great looking skin. Make sure you drink 8 glasses of water a day, but you can swap some of your glasses of water for tea or fruit juice.
Sleep well. Getting plenty of good quality sleep is really important for healthy glowing skin. Ideally, you need to be getting between 7 and 9 hours sleep a night.
Treat spots and acne with an anti-inflammatory spot treatment like Freederm gel, which will work inside the pores to reduce the inflammation and redness of spots.