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All orders I have placed have been promptly confirmed and each stage of the process communicated. Orders quickly received.
3 hours ago
Suzanne C
I get a vet's script for my dog's regular medication. it is great being able to have it filled and delivered on line. I am disabled, and find getting out difficult. Weldricks are very patient in that i do not know how to scan the script in to them-they are happy for me to send it by normal post after ordering on line. this suits me really well.
6 hours ago
Jeremy M
Easy to use, competitively priced, very efficient. I use them regularly. Recommended
8 hours ago
Lynette D
Iv used weldricks a long time now ordering volterol 100g because it was much cheaper than any other shop and now I order antihistamines, paracetamol and vitamins which again are cheaper and I will continue using weldricks in the future.
12 hours ago
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