Avomine Tablets 25mg Pack of 28

Avomine Tablets 25mg Pack of 28

Save: £2.35 (RRP: £8.34)

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Avomine is a medicine which helps to prevent and helps to stop travel sickness. It is believed that travel sickness is caused when the brain receives different messages from the eyes, the stomach and the ears which seem to be inconsistent or conflicting.

As a result, you feel sick (nausea) and may vomit. Avomine works on the brain by blocking those messages which make you feel sick and which cause vomiting.

Your doctor may, however, prescribe Avomine for giddiness or light-headiness or for sickness after an operation, and in such cases the tablets should be taken as instructed by your doctor.



One 25mg tablet at night is often sufficient, but two or three tablets are sometimes necessary.

Alternatively, more frequent administration such as 25mg two or three times a day may be required for some patients.

It is often not necessary to give more than four of the 25mg Avomine Tablets in 24 hours.


In the above indications children over 10 years of age may be given the lower adult doses described above.

Children between 5 and 10 years may be given half the adult dose.

Tablets are not suitable for administration to children aged between 2 and 5 years.

An oral liquid preparation is recommended in this age group. Not for use in children under 2 years of age.  


No specific dosage recommendations.


These tablets must not be taken if you have CNS depression, people with CNS depression will seem sleepy or unconscious.

If you suffer with asthma, bronchitis, glaucoma, epilepsy or heart, liver, kidney or bladder problems tell your doctor or pharmacist before taking these tablets.

If you have severe headaches with blurred vision, severe stomach pains with vomiting, dizziness, difficulty with keeping your balance, ringing in the ears or other ear problems as well as feeling sick, you should telI your doctor or pharmacist before taking these tablets. This is because the effects of the tablets may make it more difficult for them to find at why you are unwell.

If you have a bad cough, please consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking Avomine tablets.

If you are pregnant, think you may be pregnant or are breastfeeding your baby, you should not take Avomine tablets unless they have been recommended for you by a doctor. If you are breastfeeding your baby, Aventine tablets may cause your baby to be irritable and excited.

If you are taking medicines to help you sleep, or for depression, mental illness, anxiety, crampy stomach pains, Parkinson's disease, or bladder problems, Avomine may not be suitable for you. Ask your doctor for advice. You should tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any other medicines or if you are seeing another doctor or attending hospital for any reason.

If you are having a pregnancy test or skin tests for allergy, do not take Avomine tablets as they interfere with the results; if you are having a skin test you should stop taking the tablets at least 72 hours before the skin tests.

These tablets contain sodium metabisulphite which can cause allergic reactions in some people. Sodium Metabisulphite is found in some medicines, foods and drinks. If you get a rash, itching or difficulty breathing or worsening of your asthma after taking something known to contain this chemical, please consult your doctor or pharmacist. These reactions are mom common in patients with a history of allergy or asthma.

While taking these tablets, you should avoid drinking alcoholic drinks as the tablets will add to the effects of alcohol.

These tablets may make you feel dizzy, sleepy, disorientated or confused or cause you to have a headache. You should not drive or operate machinery for the first few days, and until you are sure that you are not going to be affected by these unwanted effects.




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on 27/02/2024

Weldricks is so much better than my high street chemist in terms of price, customer service, delivery (DPD about the best out there), stock, and everything else. Plus it saves me a hike. I also get my dog's vet meds here and have never had any cause for complaint.

Verified purchase 23/02/2024 |

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