Doublebase Emollient Shower Gel helps dry or chapped conditions that may also be itchy, red and sore. Common examples include:
- Eczema and other types of dermatitis
- Psoriasis
- Elderly
- Ichthyosis
Doublebase Emollient Shower Gel is suitable for all age groups including babies.
The ‘soap substitute’ product is specifically designed to be non-foaming and is fragrance free. When added to your bath water it helps to:
- Cleanse, soften, moisturize and protect your skin by trapping in moisture and restoring the normal protective function of the skin.
- Prevent the skin from drying out and irritating effects that can be caused by washing and by the soaps, foaming additives and fragrances used in ordinary cleansing products
- Prevent flare-ups of your skin condition.
This product can be used in addition to any other emollients or treatments your doctor, pharmacist or nurse have given or prescribed for you to treat your dry skin condition.