Gynest Vaginal Applicator

Estriol Cream Vaginal Applicator

Save: £0.10 (RRP: £2.69)

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The applicator should only be used in the vagina of adult women. 

  • 5cc. 
  • Clear plastic vaginal applicator. 
  • Designed to be screwed onto the Gynest Cream tube. 
  • Easy and convenient to use. 





Remove the cap from the tube of cream/gel and screw the opposite end to the plunger end onto this tube. Squeeze the tube until the applicator barrel is completely filled. This will push the plunger out. Unscrew/remove the tube of cream/gel. Gently insert the open end of the applicator into the vagina and push the plunger firmly but gently. Keep plunger firmly pressed down whilst removing. Wash hands and applicator after use. Use of a sanitary towel is optional to prevent your clothes from getting stained. 

Cleaning after use: Pull the plunger out of the barrel and clean with mild soap and warm water (not boiling). Rinse well. 


  • Always read enclosed leaflet. 
  • Use exactly as instructed by your doctor/pharmacist. 
  • Seek medical advice if unsure. 
  • Only for use in adult women. 
  • If applicator breaks, replace before next use. 
  • Clean after each use.


There are no ingredients listed for this product.

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