Blood Pressure Testing
About this service
High blood pressure is also known as Hypertension. This is a serious condition where your heart must work harder to pump blood around your body.
1 in 3 adults in the UK are affected by high blood pressure, with many people not experiencing any symptoms. Having your blood pressure checked is the best way to identify high blood pressure.
Without treatment, high blood pressure can lead to heart problems, strokes and damage to other vital organs.
What is this service?
Trained colleagues can perform a blood pressure check in a private consultation room at your convenience. Your blood pressure reading will be explained to you and advice and support will be offered according to your results.
Who is it for?
The service is accessible for anyone over the age of 40 who hasn’t already been diagnosed with high blood pressure by their GP.
Patients who have a history of high blood pressure in their family are also able to be checked.
What does the check involve?
We are offering free blood pressure checks to people over 40. This involves around 10-15 minutes in the pharmacy consultation room with a trained member of the pharmacy team. Following this, you may be invited to take home a blood pressure monitor that measures your blood pressure as you go about your daily life.
Depending on your blood pressure reading you may be referred to your GP.
Blood pressure - the basics
Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in the arteries. If your blood pressure is too high it can narrow the arteries and blood vessels in your body and this can lead to damage to the brain or heart.
If it is too high over a period of time and not treated, then you will be at increased risk of heart attack, stroke and heart failure. High blood pressure is also a risk factor for kidney disease, dementia and some eye conditions.
High blood pressure (also called hypertension) usually has no symptoms, which is why many people do not know they have it. That is why it is often called the silent killer.
The good news is that high blood pressure can be treated and often prevented, and there is lots you can do to lower your risk.
Whether you have high blood pressure, or normal blood pressure, it is important to realise that the higher your blood pressure, whatever it is, the higher your risk of heart disease or stroke. This means that all of us should be adopting a lifestyle that will help to lower our blood pressure whether we have high blood pressure or not.
The only way to find out what your blood pressure is to have regular checks. Keep a record yourself and remember the numbers in the same way as your height and weight. In other words, "Know your Numbers" and encourage your family and friends to do the same!
What happens if my blood pressure reading is normal?
What happens if my blood pressure reading is high?
What is an ABPM?
What if my blood pressure reading is really high?
Members of my family have been diagnosed with high blood pressure; can I have my blood pressure checked at the pharmacy?
People who have relatives that suffer with high blood pressure are at more risk of developing the condition. As a result of this factor the service is available to these patients. You can call in to your local Weldricks pharmacy and speak to the Pharmacist about this and receive your free blood pressure check.